Scholz calls on the EU to approve financial aid to Ukraine for €50 billion
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Scholz calls on the EU to approve financial aid to Ukraine for €50 billion


Before the extraordinary EU summit in Brussels, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz insists on agreeing on financial assistance to Ukraine for €50 billion.

Scholz calls on the EU to approve financial aid to Ukraine for €50 billion

I am convinced that today we are talking about achieving decision 27, he said.

At the same time, Scholz hinted at Hungary, which has so far refused this help.

If Europe sees itself as a community in which everyone stands up for each other and helps each other, then it should be possible to reach joint solutions, he said.

According to the chancellor, he does not believe in other designs if Hungary continues to withdraw its consent.

Aid to Ukraine

EU leaders in December 2023 agreed to start accession negotiations with Ukraine, but Hungary vetoed the provision of €50 billion in aid to Kyiv.

All 27 national leaders of the bloc will meet again in Brussels on February 1 to try to agree on providing financial assistance to Kyiv.

Previously, the Financial Times reported that the EU has prepared a plan for economic sanctions against Budapest if it does not agree to provide support to Kyiv. The goal is to damage Hungary's economy and force it to lift the veto.

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