British PM accused Putin of trying to disrupt Ukrainian Peace Summit
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British PM accused Putin of trying to disrupt Ukrainian Peace Summit

Rishi Sunak

British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak accused Russia of trying to derail the first Global Peace Summit by threatening to discuss key principles of international law.

Points of attention

  • Rishi Sunak accuses Russia of attempting to disrupt the Global Peace Summit by resisting discussions on crucial international law principles.
  • World leaders stress the importance of supporting Ukraine in defending against Russian aggression and promoting sustainable peace solutions.
  • Russian refusal to end the war against Ukraine and reluctance to engage in meaningful negotiations hinder progress towards lasting peace.
  • The need for a comprehensive and just peace to restore Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity is highlighted by world leaders.
  • Efforts to freeze the conflict instead of addressing the root causes only lead to further aggression and instability in the region.

Russia is afraid of responsibility for the war against Ukraine and is trying to disrupt the Peace Summit

Sunak emphasized that Russia, unlike the countries participating in the Summit, is not interested in the real achievement of peace, so Kremlin dictator Vladimir Putin intensified the diplomatic efforts of the Kremlin to persuade other countries not to come to the Summit.

We should ask: why does Russia feel that it is so threatened by the summit, where the fundamental principles of territorial integrity, food and nuclear security are discussed? - noted Sunak.

He recalled the statements of the representative of Russia at the UN, according to which the only condition for peace negotiations with Ukraine would be capitulation.

Well, that will never happen. Because aggression cannot and should not prevail, - said Sunak.

What other world leaders are saying

According to French President Emmanuel Macron, the capitulation of Ukraine is not the way to lasting peace, it is necessary to achieve the defeat of Russia in the criminal war unleashed by the Kremlin.

All of us are committed to building sustainable peace. But, as has already been said, such peace cannot become Ukrainian capitulation. Therefore, the prerequisite for peace is to help Ukraine repel aggression, - noted the French president.

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz emphasized that Russia could end the war against Ukraine at any time, but refused to do so.

It is true that peace in Ukraine cannot be achieved without the involvement of Russia. But let's not forget that as we speak, Russia continues to wage its war. We all know that Russia could end the war today or at any moment by stopping attacks and withdrawing troops, Scholz emphasized.

He noted that Russia refuses to join the collective call for peace based on the UN Charter and international law.

An immediate ceasefire without serious negotiations, without a road map to a just and lasting peace, will simply legitimize Russia's seizure of Ukrainian land and lead to a new "frozen conflict," Scholz emphasized.

The President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, also noted that the "freezing" of the criminal war launched by Russia against Ukraine only leads to further, even more aggressive actions.

Freezing the conflict today, when foreign troops occupy Ukrainian land, is not the answer. De facto, this is a recipe for further aggressive war, Ursula von der Leyen noted

She emphasized that world leaders should support a comprehensive, just and sustainable peace for Ukraine.

A peace that will restore the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine, the inviolability of all borders, the sovereignty of all peoples - this is exactly what is at stake - the president of the European Commission emphasized.

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