Supernatural star Misha Collins raising money for demining in Ukraine
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Supernatural star Misha Collins raising money for demining in Ukraine

Misha Collins
Source:  UNITED24

On May 21, the star of the series "Supernatural" Misha Collins arrived in Kyiv. He revealed the purpose of his trip — to collect funds for the clearing landmines in Ukraine.

Misha Collins' second visit during the full-scale invasion

In addition, Collins published some photos from Kyiv. Yes, he showed his fans new footage against the background of destroyed machinery and the capital's train station.

This is the actor's second visit during the full-scale invasion. However, his trip to Ukraine has a noble purpose.

Anti-tank and anti-personnel mines, trap mines, streamers, cluster munitions, and unexploded shells are found in the de-occupied territories. Misha's goal is to purchase a multifunctional pyrotechnic machine for sappers. Thanks to it, they will be able to demine the land,” says the UNITED24 post.

Collins starred in a video in which he is dressed in the same clothes as his character from the Supernatural series — the angel Castiel.

At the same time, the actor plans to sell a trench coat and five ties, in the style of the hero of the film, with his autograph.

The winner will be chosen from among those who donate to the collection, the money from which will go to demining Ukraine.

In addition, the actor will also be able to transport explosive objects and substances to the place of their destruction.

What is known about Collins' trips to Kyiv

With the beginning of the full-scale invasion, Misha publicly supported Ukraine in the war.

He still continues to tell foreign audiences about the terrible actions that Russia commits on a daily basis.

In May 2023, the actor visited the Ukrainian capital and met with Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

And exactly one year later, Collins visited Kyiv again. This time he decided to start the campaign, the money from which will go to demining Ukrainian lands.

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