Syrsky revealed details about the combat zone in the Kharkiv region
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Syrsky revealed details about the combat zone in the Kharkiv region

CinC AF of Ukraine

According to the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Alexander Syrskyi, the Russian troops has expanded the area of active hostilities in Kharkiv region by almost 70 km.

Russian army is trying to force the Ukrainian army to attract a reserve in the Kharkiv region — Syrskyi

In connection with the complication of the situation in the east of Ukraine, Syrskyi has been working for several days in a row in units that are conducting combat operations in the Kharkiv region.

He announced this on the official Facebook page of the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

The enemy expanded the zone of active hostilities by almost 70 kilometers, thus trying to force us to attract an additional number of brigades from the reserve.

Oleksandr Syrskyi

Oleksandr Syrskyi

Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces

The enemy's main efforts were focused on the direction of Strilecha — Liptsi and the capture of Vovchansk, followed by the advance to Bilyi Kolodyazh and the launch of an offensive in the rear of our troops.

To this end, the enemy created and significantly strengthened the operational and tactical grouping of enemy troops in the North, which included combat units of the 6th Army, 11th and 44th Army Corps, Syrskyi noted.

The army of the Russian Federation launched an offensive much earlier than the planned time, when it noticed the overturning of our troops, however, it did not manage to break through our defences.

However, we understand that there will be tough battles ahead and the enemy is preparing for it.

Under such circumstances, we must prevent the further advance of the enemy's troops by steadily maintaining the occupied lines and positions, strikes by aviation, missile systems, artillery and tank fire, and inflict maximum losses on him, as well as create conditions for defeat by the actions of mobile assault groups and units with attacks in the flank and the rear from different directions.

Sirskyi emphasised the most effective use of the advantage of the Ukrainian army in attack UAVs in combination with the use of EW means and effective artillery fire.

My work was devoted to these issues, as well as to regrouping troops and simplifying the system of comprehensive support. I worked in all the brigades that fought in the Kharkiv region, was in one of the battalions that defended Vovchansk, and made all the necessary decisions on the spot to ensure the stability and effectiveness of defence.

The Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine also visited and inspected all units preparing for defence in the Sumy sector. But he thanked every soldier, every Kharkiv citizen and all citizens in general for their courage and resilience.

Syrskyi reported to Zelenskyy from the front

According to the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, on May 14, Syrskyi reported on the situation in the Donetsk and Kharkiv regions, where the situation is currently the most difficult.

He (Syrsky — ed.) is in the key places of the battles — he works with brigades, in combat positions. It is still too early to draw conclusions, but the situation is under control.

He noted that the Ukrainian defenders continue to destroy the enemy who is still trying to advance.

The head of state said that Ukraine has strengthened several directions, including Kharkiv.

Zelenskyy clarified that many soldiers from Kharkiv are defending the Kharkiv region. The President thanked them for their efficiency.

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