The Armed Forces announced the stabilization of the situation near Avdiivka
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The Armed Forces announced the stabilization of the situation near Avdiivka

The Armed Forces announced the stabilization of the situation near Avdiivka

The situation in the Avdiyiv direction is stabilizing. But the Russian troops have local successes.

What is the situation in the Avdiyiv direction

As Dmytro Lykhova, the spokesman for the Tavriy operational-strategic group of troops, said, our defenders repelled 14 enemy attacks in the Avdiiv region during the day.

According to the confirmed data, the operational situation is stabilizing in the area of settlements that are of interest to everyone (Berdychi, Orlivka, Tonenke, — ed.). There, our forces restrain the enemy within these settlements. Fighting continues.

Dmytro Lykhova

Dmytro Lykhova

Spokesman of the Defense Forces of the Tavria direction

Lykhovi emphasized that there is no reason to talk about the capture of the specified settlements.

The battle line has its own dynamics. The enemy has some local successes in some positions. This is, for example, when the firing positions are simply destroyed by artillery, then the personnel regroups and moves to other, more advantageous positions, - explained Dmytro Lykhova.

How events around Avdiivka can develop further

According to the forecasts of American analysts, the Russian army can capture the settlements to the west and northwest of Avdiivka in the coming weeks.

Despite this, the relief of the area and water bodies to the west of the city, especially the reservoir that runs between Berdychy and Semenivka-Orlivka, quite possibly will slow down the already relatively slow pace of the advance of the Russian soldiers.

The Institute for the Study of War suggests that this problematic area can significantly reduce the further tactical advantages of the Russians.

In addition, it will allow SFU fighters to take up prepared defensive positions that will likely contribute to the eventual culmination of current Russian offensive efforts in the area, at least until the Russians reinforce their offensive elements.

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