The help of volunteers is extremely important for Ukrainian troops. At the same time, Ukraine first of all needs to establish large-scale production of FPV drones. Deputy commander of the 1st infantry battalion of the International Defense Legion of Ukraine Ian with the call sign "Kenobi" talks about this in an interview with
The importance of volunteers for the Armed Forces
Our volunteers generally do a titanic job. I will tell you that 50% of the Armed Forces, if not more, are holding up thanks to volunteers.
Ian "Kenobi" gives an example: his unit received two Hummers without a turret. This means that these vehicles could deliver personnel to the battlefield but without fire support.
Thanks to volunteers, they collected one million hryvnias and installed these towers on both cars. Now they don't just go and deliver infantry to the battlefield, they also support it with fire.
We need volunteer help just like oxygen. Without volunteers, we would have collapsed a long time ago, I'm not kidding.

Ian "Kenobi"
Deputy Commander of the 1st Infantry Battalion of the International Legion
What should Ukraine do first of all
"Kenobi" believes that, first of all, Ukraine needs to establish the state production of armored vehicles, aviation and FPV drones.
Because when a volunteer is sitting in the kitchen soldering an FPV drone, it's two in the morning, three in the morning, and the 20-30th drone is finishing up — that's one thing. When there is state production, it will be constantly supplied to the Armed Forces on the conveyor. Believe me, it plays an extraordinary role!
If a conventional infantry battalion will have a UAV strike company that will receive drones on a regular basis every week or every month, then the infantry will no longer have to risk their lives to go into the enemy's trenches and engage in contact combat.
Because first you can hit the enemy with artillery, then finish it off with drones, and then the infantry will simply come.
If there is someone there, he will take him prisoner or kill him, and that's it. Such an ordinary piece of s*it for $500 saves dozens of human lives by destroying the enemy.