The Pentagon chief announced large-scale investments in weapons production for Ukraine
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The Pentagon chief announced large-scale investments in weapons production for Ukraine

US Department of Defense
Lloyd Austin

According to the US Secretary of Defense chief, Lloyd Austin, the US government has invested about 27 billion dollars in weapons production for Ukraine.

The USA actively continues to produce weapons for the Armed Forces

We have already invested about $27 billion in more than 35 states in contracts for the production of critical assets for Ukraine, including air defense systems, ammunition, and tactical vehicles, Lloyd Austin said.

The Pentagon chief hopes that Congress will shortly support the request of US President Joe Biden with urgent funding for US national security needs, which includes, in particular, additional tens of billions.

Understanding that most of these funds will be implemented through the American industrial base is essential.

Why aid to Ukraine is beneficial for the US

According to the US Secretary of Defense chief, this money from additional aid will be returned through investments in US jobs.

And all that money will come back to us through investments in American security. But at the same time, we must expand Ukraine's ability to support many different systems and platforms provided by allies and partners from around the world, Lloyd Austin explained.

The Pentagon chief also reminded of the importance for official Washington to continue cooperation with allies and partners to help Ukraine repel the Russian aggressor.

He also emphasized that this means strengthening Ukraine's defense and industrial base to support the Ukrainian army's current struggle and strengthen its future defence potential.

On December 6, the White House officially announced the strengthening of cooperation between the defense and industrial bases of the United States and Ukraine and the start of joint production of weapons.

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