The Kremlin is trying to disrupt aid to Ukraine from France — WP
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The Kremlin is trying to disrupt aid to Ukraine from France — WP


The criminal Kremlin regime of dictator Vladimir Putin is taking a number of measures to end French aid to Ukraine.

How Putin is trying to prevent aid from France to Ukraine

According to the journalists of the publication, referring to official documents of the Kremlin and comments of European officials in the field of security, as well as far-right European politicians, the Kremlin is intensifying its activities intending to undermine France's support for Ukraine.

In particular, Russian diplomats, politicians, and special services maintain contact with many far-right European political forces in the territory of France.

On the eve of the elections to the European Parliament in June next year, there are specific concerns among European politicians.

According to the EU High Commissioner for Foreign Affairs, Josep Borrell, the results of the elections to the European Parliament can be as dangerous as the US presidential election.

According to Kremlin documents, the first deputy head of the administration of Kremlin dictator Vladimir Putin, Sergei Kiriyenko, has already ordered political technologists to start working on destabilizing the situation in France.

In particular, Kremlin agents and propagandists plan to operate through social networks and loyal French politicians.

Those figures were not identified by name in the documents reviewed by The Post. Moscow's goal is to undermine support for Ukraine and weaken NATO's resolve, the documents show. These efforts are reminiscent of a similar intervention in Germany, where the Kremlin tried to unite the extreme right and the extreme left in an anti-war alliance, the publication notes.

Among the critical tasks of Kremlin propagandists and political technologists:

  • claims that Western sanctions against Russia have hurt the French economy by reducing trade. Because of this, the country allegedly risks falling into the "deepest socio-economic crisis in recent years." In particular, the statement that the supply of weapons to Ukraine left France without firearms for self-defense.

  • Statements that would increase the number of those in France who do not want to "pay for another country's war", as well as those who fear a direct war with Russia and the beginning of the Third World War.

The documents show that "troll farms" created by Kremlin political technologists produced and published content and articles on social networks criticizing Western support for the government of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. In one of the notes, written by one of the strategists in June 2023, an employee of the "troll farm" was instructed to create a "200-character comment by a middle-aged Frenchman" who considers Europe's support for Ukraine "a stupid adventure," the publication says.

Does Kremlin propaganda have a strong influence on the situation in France?

Journalists of the publication note that the promotion of Kremlin propaganda in the French media space currently has limited resonance.

French President Emmanuel Macron is among the leaders in Europe in terms of aid to Ukraine.

In particular, the majority of the population supports the president.

However, according to the director of the French Institute of International Relations, Thomas Gomart, the visibility of pro-Russian social media accounts and the approval ratings of French far-right parties are increasing.

The rhetoric of Russia's allies about the cost of the war in Ukraine is increasingly combined with the idea that this is an American adventure and that France should establish itself as a great power and restore relations with Russia, the authors of the article emphasise.

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