Poland not to exclude sending troops to Ukraine
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Poland not to exclude sending troops to Ukraine

Source:  Gazeta Wyborcza

Polish Foreign Minister, Radoslaw Sikorski, has not ruled out a scenario in which Poland would have to send troops to Ukraine.

What they say in Poland about sending troops to Ukraine

Radoslav Sikorski, commenting on plans to confront Russia, answered a question about Poland's readiness to send troops to Ukraine. He also specified some nuances regarding the disclosure of intentions to send.

We should not rule it out. We must leave Putin guessing about our intentions, noted the Polish Minister of Foreign Affairs.

At the same time, Radoslav Sikorski did not specify what the role of Polish troops would be in the event of their transfer to Ukraine.

Can NATO send troops to Ukraine?

According to the military expert and reserve colonel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Petro Chernyk, the Baltic states and Poland may well introduce their own troops into the territory of Ukraine to repel the aggression of the criminal army of Russia.

It's easy, but why can't they? Peacekeeping mission in Iraq, there was no NATO. 34 countries in a bilateral format concluded an agreement with the United States and sent their troops there. The recent American war in Afghanistan — 15 countries. Bilateral agreements of this order are an absolute norm in military-technical and strategic cooperation, the analyst explains.

According to him, the military of the partner countries can significantly help Ukraine.

There is no need to distort the reality that, they say, the Poles will fight for us. No, it won't. If this happens, then most likely it will be a replacement process — we have a huge Ukrainian-Belarusian border, our troops are stationed there. So they will be released in this mode, suggested Chernyk.

However, in his opinion, it is unlikely that NATO countries will shoot down Russian missiles in the sky over Ukraine.

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