Retired British general predicted the terms of the war in Ukraine and the conditions for the AFU victory
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Retired British general predicted the terms of the war in Ukraine and the conditions for the AFU victory

AFU soldier
Source:  Defense Express

According to retired British Army General Richard Barrons, even with increased military support for Ukraine from Western countries, the Ukrainian military will need at least a few more years to win the criminal war unleashed by the Kremlin.

What is known about the conditions for Ukraine's victory in the war

According to the former chief of the Joint Command of the Armed Forces of Great Britain, the Ukrainian military should receive at least 75 billion euros every year for the continuation of hostilities, and such amounts of funding should be maintained for at least the next 2-3 years.

As the journalists of the publication note, during the first year since the beginning of the criminal invasion of the Russian army in Ukraine, Kyiv received 65 billion dollars in military aid from its Western partners.

However, the final amount of military aid provided by partners this year remains unknown.

At present, doubts are growing among Western officials regarding the further financing of the military operations of the Armed Forces by Western partners and in the current volumes.

Barrons noted that in conditions of depletion of reserves, Western partners should intensify industrial production.

They have nothing left on the "shelf", we have nothing left on the "shelf". We gave away everything we saved. The only way to win is our mobilization of industry and our will. And don't tell me that it's impossible, because you are representatives of an economy worth 15 trillion euros per year, the former high-ranking military officer of the British army notes.

What is known about the only option for victory over the Russian army in Ukraine

He emphasized that it is not about the availability of these resources but about the possibility of a competent choice.

At the same time, this decision is the "agreement of the century" because there is an opportunity to defeat the Russian Federation only by spending money, not "your children".

According to him, the issue of an armed confrontation between the European segment of NATO and the Russian Federation is the only development of events if Putin remains even with a part of the occupied territory of Ukraine.

European defense is about 1 trillion euros per year. About 850 billion of them are the contribution of the United States... But it must be understood that the United States no longer wants to "carry" NATO the way it has been doing it for the entire life of the Alliance, Barrons notes.

Journalists of the publication point out that the defense spending of the European NATO member countries is only 15% of the total need.

And it was not for nothing that these numbers were announced. Because the only condition not to receive defense costs in the amount of 1 trillion euros per year, or at least equal to 500 billion euros per year — this is exactly 75 billion euros per year for 2-3 years for Ukraine, which will allow to level the threat of the Russian Federation for the whole of Europe, in the material of the publication stated.

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