Ombudsman: Russian army shot at least seven surrendering Ukrainian soldiers
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Ombudsman: Russian army shot at least seven surrendering Ukrainian soldiers

Dmytro Lubinets
Dmytro Lubinets

Dmytro Lubinets, the Verkhovna Rada Commissioner for Human Rights, announced a new incident involving the shooting of Ukrainian prisoners of war by criminals from the occupation army of the Russian Federation.

What is known about the new facts of the executions of prisoners of war of the Armed Forces of Ukraine by the Russian occupiers

Another war crime probably happened on February 24, 2024 in the Bakhmut district. In the video that we managed to obtain, it can be seen that the Ukrainian military surrenders to prisoners: their hands were raised to the top, they showed that they were unarmed and did not pose a threat. The Russians were supposed to take them prisoner, but instead they mercilessly shot them, - noted the ombudsman.

Lubinets noted that it is impossible to accurately name the number of Ukrainian soldiers executed by the Russian occupiers, but there were at least seven of them.

These are military personnel of the secondary school. Such shooting is a war crime! Currently, we also know from which military unit of the Russian army the soldiers who mercilessly executed Ukrainians - explains Lubinets.

He emphasized that this incident must be recorded as another violation by Russia of the norms of international humanitarian law.

How many Ukrainian civilians are currently in Russian captivity?

Dmytro Lubinets noted that 28,000 Ukrainians are currently held captive by the Russian army of occupation.

The Ombudsman calls for the creation of a coalition on the return of Ukrainian civilians from captivity.

According to our unofficial data, approximately 28,000 Ukrainian citizens are in Russian prisons. Journalists, representatives of local self-government, churches, international representatives. Three official representatives of the OSCE were detained in Donetsk and Luhansk regions, and we have not been able to release them for several years. And all this time, Russia is a member of the OSCE, - notes Lubinets.

He also noted that the exchange of civilians is prohibited under international law.

That is why, according to the Ombudsman, Ukraine is looking for new ways to return civilians from Russian captivity.

As of now, I can say that the last trip to Qatar was a week ago, at the meeting with the prime minister it was said that they are ready to try their efforts to return the civilian hostages. We need to create an international coalition for the return of civilian hostages, Lubinets said.

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