The Times: NATO holds secret talks on the possible "end of Europe"
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The Times: NATO holds secret talks on the possible "end of Europe"

Stoltenberg and Austin
Source:  The Times

According to The Times, NATO is "dreadfully" discussing Donald Trump's possible return to the White House, which could be "the end of Europe."

NATO is afraid that Trump can become the president of the USA again

As the journalists managed to find out, a few weeks ago, influential European politicians, diplomats, and representatives of NATO held a secret meeting.

The main topic of the negotiations were the latest scandalous statements of the odious ex-president of the USA, Donald Trump, regarding the future of NATO.

The Times notes that given recent events in Ukraine and the US, the mood at the table was rather gloomy.

One high-ranking minister asked the guests: "Is this the end of Europe?"

According to journalists, the minister's question summarised Donald Trump's latest scandalous statements, particularly that the USA will not stand up for its European NATO allies.

As you know, Trump claimed that he would "encourage" Russia to attack NATO members who do not spend enough money on their defence.

NATO will not be able to contain the Russian Federation without the help of the USA

Journalists draw attention to the fact that the critical point of NATO is Article 5 on mutual defence.

What is essential to understand is that without an ironclad guarantee of this promise from Washington, Europe will not be able to deter a possible Russian invasion.

Any suggestion that allies will not protect each other undermines our security, including that of the United States.

Jens Stoltenberg

Jens Stoltenberg

Secretary General of NATO

Individual NATO members insist that Trump's blithe disregard for 75 years of American diplomacy be taken seriously, but not literally: as a clumsy but necessary wake-up call.

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