The UN representative condemned the Russian attack on Ukraine
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The UN representative condemned the Russian attack on Ukraine


Denise Brown, the UN Humanitarian Coordinator in Ukraine, condemned another wave of attacks on the capital and populous cities of Ukraine, noting that this is a violation of international humanitarian law.

The UN reacted to the Russian missile attack on Ukraine

According to the UN statement, for the third day in a row, large-scale airstrikes by the Russian Federation have killed people, including children, and damaged houses and other civilian infrastructure.

The UN coordinator in Ukraine, Denise Brown, noted it is alarming that many areas of the capital of Ukraine have been left without electricity and water supply just when the temperature is expected to drop to almost -20 degrees Celsius this week.

In addition, due to hostilities, hundreds of thousands of people in Donetsk remain without electricity.

On behalf of the humanitarian community, I reaffirm our commitment to continue supporting the people of Ukraine, who are suffering from the devastation caused by the invasion of the Russian Federation. And today, my thoughts are with the families and friends of the dead and wounded, as well as with those who worry about those whose fate is not yet known, Brown emphasised.

The United Nations once again reminds the Russian Federation that indiscriminate strikes and shelling of the civilian population and civilian infrastructure are strictly prohibited by international humanitarian law, the statement said.

Russian missile attack on Ukraine on January 2

In the morning, the Russian invaders attacked Ukraine with 83 missiles. The air defense forces destroyed 72 air targets.

In particular, it was possible to shoot down 10 out of 10 Kh-47M2 "Kinzhal" aeroballistic missiles, 59 out of 70 Kh-101/Kh-555/Kh-55 cruise missiles and 3 out of 3 "Kalibr" cruise missiles.

The attack was directed against Kyiv and Kharkiv. 2 people died, and 43 were injured in the capital. Fires were recorded in 8 districts. A fire broke out in two multi-storey residential buildings in the Solomyan district.

In the Kyiv region, two people died, and 11 more were injured, including one child.

Kharkiv was attacked by "Iskanders". About 25 objects of civilian infrastructure and multi-storey buildings were destroyed. 45 civilians were injured, and one person died.

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