"The White Moth is Done!". A documentary about Russian Volunteer Corps by Online.UA
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"The White Moth is Done!". A documentary about Russian Volunteer Corps by Online.UA

Source:  online.ua
documentary film about the Russian Volunteer Corps

Video production of the Ukrainian media Online.UA released a documentary film, "White Moth is Done!" about the "Russian Volunteer Corps" (RVC). The RVC fighters told why they are fighting, what is their attitude towards Ukraine and how they plan to win the war against Putin's Russia.

A documentary film about the "Russian Volunteer Corps"

Since the summer of 2022, the RVC has been fighting on Ukraine's side in the Avdiivka, Lyman, and Zaporizhzhia directions. The Corps repeatedly carried out raids in the border regions of the Russian Federation to eliminate FSB agents, enemy equipment and personnel.

The authors of the documentary "White Moth is Done!" aimed to highlight the ideology of the RVC fighters and investigate the motivation that led them to the Corps ranks as part of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The shootings occurred at the RVC combat positions, training grounds and classified locations. After all, the Kremlin is afraid of the "Russian Volunteer Corps", which is why RVC ended up on the list of terrorist organisations in Russia.

Watch the documentary "White Moth is Done!" about the "Russian Volunteer Corps". The premiere took place on the Online.UA YouTube channel:

A documentary film about the "Russian Volunteer Corps"

Russia as it is now will not exist. Because already now we can observe the fact that, for example, the Far East lives its own life. Siberia has its own life. The Urals have their own life. Islamic republics such as Tatarstan, of course, Chechnya, Dagestan, Ingushetia - they have their own history. They do not even hide the fact that, for example, Dagestan is not Russia, Chechnya is not Russia, — emphasises the RVC commander Denis Nikitin.

The RVC Commander Denis Nikitin (photo: online.ua)

RVC fighters call themselves "Russian" and do not identify themselves with Russia as citizens of the terrorist state.

People who believe in the goals of the so-called "special military operation", let them join this operation. We are waiting for them, we hope that as many of them as possible will come. Because it is impossible to do anything with these people. It is impossible to prove anything to them, to reeducate them. So I think that they should come and die.Those people who doubt... Almost two years of doubts is a bit too much. And it's time for people to start defining their frame of reference in life — the RVC Chief of Staff with call sign "Fortuna" explains his position.

Aleksandr with the call sign "Fortuna", the RVC Chief of Staff (photo: online.ua)

RVC Ideologist Vladimir, with the call sign "Cardinal", emphasises that the criminal regime of the aggressor country prohibits any manifestations of national and cultural autonomy in the Russian Federation.

If I were born, for example, Ingush, I would turn to the president of Ingushetia with my problem. And he would bring this problem to the sacred Vladimir Putin. And the Russian has no one to ask, he has no representative. So Putin is the president of the Russia's. So because of the fact that once a long time ago such a civilisational choice was made that Russians have to die near Avdeevka. Simply because these are the geopolitical interests of the state called the Russian Federation, which actually has no relation to them — says the RVC ideologist.

RVC Ideologist with the call sign "Cardinal" (photo: online.ua)

The RVC mortar platoon commander, Alexei Lyovkin, also shared his impressions. In Russia, he is called the DIU [Defence Intelligence of Ukraine — Ed.] agent, a marginal singer and a "Nazi".

To read the Russian media is to harm your mental health. Therefore, this state, which has become a terrorist, a symbol of evil all over the world... some negative characteristics on its behalf are much better for me than if they would praise me and say that I am good and so on, — says Lyovkin.

Alexei Lyovkin, the RVC mortar platoon commander (photo: online.ua)

Learn more by watching the film "White Moth is Dead!" by Online.UA.

After the full-scale invasion of Russia into Ukraine, several volunteer foreign units are fighting on the side of the Ukrainians. Their soldiers resist the Russian onslaught side by side with Ukrainians, defend universal values and fight for the independence of our country. They all emphasise that they have one goal. It is the victory of Ukraine.

Since the beginning of the vile war of aggression against Ukraine, Russia has crippled the lives of millions of citizens of our country. The aggressor country kills Ukrainians every day, cynically attacks peaceful cities with all available weapons, and kills and abducts thousands of Ukrainian children, trying with all its might to deprive them of a happy future and Ukrainian identity.

In official sources, politicians and other public figures of terrorist countries never tire of repeating: they will not stop until our free and freedom-loving Ukraine ceases to exist.

We cannot allow this to happen. The world must overcome and punish this evil.

About Online.UA

Online.UA is a Ukrainian independent online publication and video production company with its own editorial office, provides free mail service to millions of Ukrainians, refutes Russian propaganda fakes, and films documentary projects.

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