Trump criticises the aid scale for Ukraine, threatening to stop it
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Trump criticises the aid scale for Ukraine, threatening to stop it

Trump criticises the aid scale for Ukraine, threatening to stop it

Former US president and presidential candidate Donald Trump criticised the scale of support for Ukraine and threatened to stop financial aid.

Points of attention

  • Trump criticizes US support for Ukraine and threatens to stop aid due to dissatisfaction with the country's requests.
  • Zelensky has received praise from Trump for his communication skills, but Trump himself plans to resolve the aid situation.
  • The process of presidential elections in the USA in November 2024 is already being actively commented on, competition is expected between Biden and Trump.
  • Arrangements for a pre-election debate between Biden and Trump may become one of the key events in US political life.
  • The situation with Ukraine's support should be carefully monitored, as it may affect international relations and the country's economy.

Trump threatened to stop aid to Ukraine

He stated that he is dissatisfied with the support of Ukraine from the US, because it is alleged that Ukraine's requests "never stop".

I think Zelensky is probably the best salesman among all politicians who ever lived. Every time he comes to our country, he leaves with 60 billion dollars... He just left 4 days ago with 60 billion, came home and announces that he needs another 60 billion. It will never end. I will solve this even before I take the White House, - said Trump.

At the same time, the former president said that he sympathizes with the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, because of the way he behaved during the scandal in 2019. At the time, Zelensky did not confirm Trump's threats.

Presidential elections in the USA

In November 2024, presidential elections will be held in the USA. The main candidates for the post of president are the current American leader Joe Biden and former president Donald Trump.

Yesterday, Biden and Trump agreed on the first pre-election debate.

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