Trying to save reputation. Lubinets criticized the position of the IFCH in relation to the Russian Red Cross
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Trying to save reputation. Lubinets criticized the position of the IFCH in relation to the Russian Red Cross

Dmytro Lubinets

The statements of the International Federation of the Red Cross (IFRC) regarding the Russian branch of the organization look like an attempt to whiten the reputation of the latter.

IFCH works as a lawyer of the Russian Red Cross — Lubinets

The statement about the Russian Red Cross published on the official website of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies looks like an attempt to save the latter's reputation.

Dmytro Lubinets, the Verkhovna Rada Commissioner for Human Rights, announced this on Facebook.

Currently, the federation's statement looks like an attempt to save the name and reputation of the Russian Red Cross, and also only shows the powerlessness and obsolescence of the system. After all, the Russians committed specific criminal crimes and continue to use the name of an international organization as a cover for their crimes. Also, the statement to introduce courses for RCH staff on IHP looks cynical. Probably, so that they better hide their crimes. Therefore, they decided to "teach" the IHL.

Dmytro Lubinets

Dmytro Lubinets

Ombudsman of Ukraine

He emphasized that the IFCH, stating the absence of the Russian CH in the Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson and Zaporizhia regions, does not say anything about its activities in Crimea. At the same time, the RCH stole the property of the National Society of the Red Cross of Ukraine in Crimea, in connection with which criminal proceedings have been opened.

Lubinets also called the IFRC's deplorable position regarding the RFCH's cooperation with the Artek camp in Crimea, the director of which has been sanctioned for involvement in the deportation of Ukrainian children.

The federation's conclusions currently state only that "RCH's partnership with the Artek camp requires a serious review." These words look pitiful: because when there are facts, action is needed, not consideration of the situation from different angles.

Lubinets believes that the IFCH should pay attention to the fact that the RFCH collected funds for the families of mobilized and military servicemen of Russia, and also supported mobilization campaigns for the war in Ukraine.

International organizations cannot silently play along with Russian aggression! Otherwise, they do not help, but only harm the world order! I believe that the IFCH, an organization with a world name, has turned into a lawyer for Russian criminals.

He noted that he has received confirmation regarding the upcoming meeting with the new president of the Red Cross and plans to raise the above-mentioned issues in a conversation with her.

Lubinets called for an investigation into the activities of the Russian Red Cross

Recently, information appeared on the Internet that the president of the Russian Red Cross (RCH) is related to the pro-Putin "patriotic" organization, and the employees of the RCH talk about the impossibility of peace with "Ukrainian Nazis."

Lubinets also drew attention to the fact that the RCH is taught in military meetings and training for children, where the ideology of continuing the war against Ukraine is spread, and symbols of aggression "Z" are used.

It is probably also about the fact that the Russian Federation aims to have new RCH organizations working at the TOT of Ukraine, which will be financed from Russia.

He informed that he sent a letter to the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent with demands to publicly condemn such actions and conduct a transparent investigation into the actions of the Russian Red Cross.

Lubinets demands that the RCH's membership and participation in the community be suspended for the duration of the investigation. If the data is confirmed during the investigation, it is necessary to demand the exclusion of the Russian organization from the federation, the ombudsman emphasized.

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