UK intelligence says Russia prepares deportation of Ukrainians from occupied territories
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UK intelligence says Russia prepares deportation of Ukrainians from occupied territories

UK Ministry of Defence
deportation of Ukrainians

According to British intelligence, Russia may start deporting Ukrainian citizens without Russian passports from the temporarily occupied territories.

Russia may deport Ukrainians from TOT

The Ministry of Defence of Great Britain concluded that, as of today, the aggressor country is doing everything possible to make the occupation of the captured territories of Ukraine irreversible,

British intelligence officers draw attention to the fact that social services, in particular medical services, cannot be obtained in the occupied territories without a Russian passport.

In addition, as is known, in April 2023, Russian dictator Vladimir Putin issued a decree stating that residents of non-controlled territories who renounce Russian passports will become foreign citizens or stateless persons.

It is essential to understand that such persons can remain in the occupied territories until July 1, 2024.

There is a realistic possibility that any individuals who will be in the occupied territories after this date and do not have a Russian passport will be deported or face detention, — warns the Ministry of Defence of Great Britain.

Russification of Ukraine's occupied territories continues

According to British intelligence, the Putin regime's deportation plans are also evidenced by the rhetoric of former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, who indicated that people without Russian passports could be resettled in remote areas of Russia.

What is important to understand is that the Russian authorities are pursuing an unceasing policy of Russification in the occupied territories.

In addition, it is indicated that another decree dated February 26, 2024, specifies that the occupied territories become part of the Russian Southern Military District.

The Kremlin seeks to make the integration of the occupied territories into the Russian Federation irreversible, British intelligence officers warn.

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