Ukraine's Ombudsman reacted to the execution of Ukrainian POWs by Russians in Avdiivka and Vesele: details
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Ukraine's Ombudsman reacted to the execution of Ukrainian POWs by Russians in Avdiivka and Vesele: details

Dmytro Lubinets
Dmytro Lubinets

The Verkhovna Rada Commissioner for Human Rights, Dmytro Lubinets, called the executions by the Russian occupiers of Ukrainian prisoners of war in Avdiivka and Veseli a gross violation of international humanitarian law and the Geneva Convention on the Treatment of Prisoners of War.

The Russian army continues to commit war crimes and execute Ukrainian prisoners of war

Lubinets emphasised that there are no laws and rules for the Russian invaders.

Russian soldiers pretend to capture and execute unarmed defenders of Ukraine. There are no laws and regulations for Russia. By shooting prisoners of war, the aggressor country grossly and cynically violates the norms of international humanitarian law and the Geneva Conventions, — emphasises the Ukrainian ombudsman.

Lubinets emphasized that Russian military criminals deliberately kill captured Ukrainian soldiers.

He noted that the Russian occupiers did not want to spare the lives of Ukrainian prisoners.

At the same time, he reminded that the execution of prisoners of war is a grave international crime for which there will be severe punishment.

I draw the attention of the world community to the next war crimes committed by the Russian Federation and to the fact that Russia, having seized certain territories, is moving on. For the aggressor country, there are no borders where it will stop. Only strength, unity and fear of responsibility will stop Russia, because impunity provokes the birth of even greater evil, Lubinets emphasised.

What is known about the executions of soldiers in Avdiivka and Vesele

According to the prosecutor's office, on February 18, one of the Telegram channels published a message about the shooting of 6 prisoners of the Armed Forces at one of the positions in Avdiivka. The defenders were seriously injured and were waiting for evacuation.

In addition to the previous one, a video recording with a fragment of the murder of 2 more soldiers near the village of Vesele in the Bakhmut district was also discovered.

The recording from the drone camera shows how, during the assault on our positions, representatives of the Russian Armed Forces shot at close range, first at one captured soldier of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and then at the second.

Not wanting to leave the captives alive, the occupier deliberately kills them with automatic weapons, — emphasised the representatives of the prosecutor's office.

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