Ukraine's watchdog analysts explain the military exercises in Belarus
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Ukraine's watchdog analysts explain the military exercises in Belarus

Center for Countering Disinformation of Ukraine
Belarusian army

Lieutenant Andriy Kovalenko, head of the Center for Countering Disinformation (CCD), explained how to respond to information about training in Belarus, which should start on March 11.

How to respond to information about studying in Belarus

"Large-scale military exercises" that started today in Belarus may be accompanied by numerous fakes in the Ukrainian information space about the start of a new offensive on Kyiv, said the CCD chief, Lieutenant Andriy Kovalenko.

According to him, checks of the combat readiness of Belarus's armed forces occur regularly. Russian propaganda is trying to use these exercises to intimidate Ukrainians and try to sow panic in our country.

There are currently no reserves or a sufficient presence of Russian troops to plan an invasion, Andriy Kovalenko emphasised.

He noted that only verified sources of information should be trusted.

Belarus continued training with the Russian military

Belarus once again continued joint military exercises with the Armed Forces of Russia. They will last at least until Dec. 3.

The "Domanove" landfill continues to work without interruption, while the others on the weekend of Nov. 25 and 26, writes the monitoring group "Belaruski Gayun".

Training at the training grounds continues from November 27 until:

  • 227 general military training ground "Borysovsky" (Borysov district) until 02.12;

  • Polygon "Hozhsky" 6th Separate Mechnised Brigade. (Hrodno district) until 01.12;

  • "Brestsky" training ground 38 separate Assault brigade. (Brest district) until 02.12;

  • "Osypovytskyi" training ground 51 airborne brigade. (Osypovichi district) until 01.12;

  • 212th aviation range "Niman" (Novogrudok district) until 01.12;

  • 230 combined military training ground "Obuz-Lesnovsky" (Baranovichi district) until December 1;

  • 174 training ground of the Air Force and air defence forces "Domanove" (Ivatsevichi district) until 03.12;

  • Polygon "Lepelskyi" 19 Separate Mechanised Brigade. (Lepel district) until 02.12;

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