Ukrainian army uses HIMARS to destroy Russian Buk missile system
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Ukrainian army uses HIMARS to destroy Russian Buk missile system

AFU Special Operations Forces
Buk missile system

Soldiers of the Special Operations Forces of the Ukrainian Armed Forces directed HIMARS (high mobility artillery rocket system - ed.) fire at the Buk anti-aircraft missile complex in the Donetsk region.

Ukrainian Armed Forces liquidated the equipment of the Russian occupiers

Reportedly, operators of the 3rd separate regiment of the Special Forces during reconnaissance operations in the Donetsk sector spotted a Buk-M2 anti-aircraft missile system and a 9S36 detection and targeting station, which is part of the system.

The Buk air defense system is intended, in particular, for defeating aviation, tactical ballistic and aviation missiles, surface and ground targets.

Ukrainian soldiers directed the fire of the AFU missile unit at the enemy Buk and radar. As a result of professional correction and precise fire, the enemy's equipment was destroyed.

Losses of Russia in Ukraine

According to the General Staff, Russia's losses in the war in Ukraine as of the morning of Monday, 1 January, amounted to 780 occupiers. The total number of Russian army losses since the beginning of the invasion is approximately 360,010 soldiers. In addition, the AFU destroyed 6 tanks, 17 armoured personnel carriers and 18 artillery systems of the enemy.

The General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine notes that as of 31 December, Ukrainian aviation successfully struck 11 locations where Russian army personnel were concentrated.

In addition, it is emphasised that the missile forces struck 9 areas of concentration of personnel, weapons and military equipment, 3 ammunition depots and an enemy control centre.

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