Ukrainian authorities proposed a solution for the gunpowder shortage
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Ukrainian authorities proposed a solution for the gunpowder shortage

Ministry of Strategic Industries of Ukraine
Oleksandr Kamyshin

The head of the Ministry of Strategic Industries, Oleksandr Kamyshin, notes that Ukraine has a large-scale gunpowder shortage, which many other countries have. However, against the background of the war with Russia, we must solve this problem as quickly as possible.

The Cabinet of Ministers knows where to get gunpowder for the Armed Forces

According to the Minister, the Ukrainian authorities are focused on strengthening defense enterprises.

Oleksandr Kamyshin explains that it is about equal opportunities for private producers compared to state ones because, as is known, the remote segment develops much faster.

We simplify everything we can simplify — from the import of components to the procedure for admission to operation. The next important decision here should be the full liberalization of the explosives and gunpowder market, the Minister of Strategic Industry notes.

According to Oleksandr Kamyshin, to solve the problem of gunpowder shortage, it is necessary to give the possibility of production to private businesses first.

He also officially confirmed that, as of today, the production capacity exceeds the available funding, which is a challenge for the state.

Manufacturers are ready. Contracting has begun. We are sure that we will manage together, - the Minister emphasised.

Russian soldiers complain about problems with shells

Recently, it became known that Russian gunners are dissatisfied with the quality of the shells they received from North Korea.

First, the shortcomings of the configuration of 152 mm projectile charges are stated because their firing range differs.

Throwing charges do not always have a de-copper in the form of a skein of lead or tin wire, which is designed to remove from the gun barrel the copper that has settled from the projectile's lead belt.

In addition, it is emphasised that the charges also have apparent differences in the colour of the gunpowder, indirectly indicating the difference in its combustion.

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