Ukrainian MOD to announce the updated format of the Ramstein meetings
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Ukrainian MOD to announce the updated format of the Ramstein meetings

Meeting in Ramstein format

Since September of this year, meetings in the Ramstein format regarding military aid have focused on long-term support.

What is known about session changes in the Ramstein format

According to Gennadiy Kovalenko, Acting Head of the Department of International Defense Cooperation of the Ministry of Defense, the format of the Ramstein meetings from September of this year shifted to solving issues related to long-term support.

Since September, we have switched to the "Rammstein 2.0" format. "Ramstein 2.0" is a transition from meeting immediate needs (quick needs) to more systematic, planned and long-term work, Kovalenko noted.

He emphasized that Ukraine's long-term support is discussed during the meetings within the framework of the created aviation, anti-aircraft, tank, and artillery coalitions and the coalition to support Ukraine in the Black Sea.

What does the MOD say about speeding up the delivery of weapons to AFU

According to the Ministry of Defense, supplying new weapons and military equipment samples will be reduced to 20 days, thanks to the government's decision. However, this period may change depending on the quality and completeness of the materials provided by the manufacturer.

At the same time, for weapons or equipment to get to the Armed Forces, manufacturers had to undergo a procedure that consisted of six stages and could take several months.

The department specified that from now on, one of the longest bureaucratic hurdles — the issuing of an order on admission to operation — has been removed from this procedure. His agreement with various structures of the IOU and the General Staff usually lasted about a month.

The updated fast track for the supply of weapons also provides for a reduction in terms at other stages. In particular, the testing of new weapons and verification of their combat characteristics will take place directly on the battlefield. In case of successful results, no additional tests are needed (as was the case, for example, with the wheeled self-propelled howitzer "Bohdana", which has proven itself excellently during combat missions), the Ministry of Defense said in a statement.

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