Ukrainians invested UAH 1 billion in home repairs by "eRecovery" program
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Ukrainians invested UAH 1 billion in home repairs by "eRecovery" program

Ministry of Development of Communities, Territories and Infrastructure of Ukraine

Money under the program of state financial aid, "eRecovery", is targeted and can be spent only on building materials and repair services. Owners of war-damaged buildings have already used one billion hryvnias of state aid for repairs.

Ukrainians spent the first billion hryvnias to repair war-damaged homes

Most of these funds under the "eRecovery" program have been spent purchasing building materials and glass.

The Ukraine's Ministry of Reconstruction announced this on Facebook.

Money under the program of state monetary assistance is eRecovery targeted and can be spent only on building materials and services for repairs.

More than 2,000 entrepreneurs in the construction industry offer their services, the majority of which are small and medium-sized businesses. This is an opportunity for them to become "visible" and provide services to those in dire need.

It is important that the aid money is returned to the Ukrainian economy and strengthens it, — noted the Deputy Prime Minister for the Reconstruction of Ukraine and Minister of Community Development, Territories and Infrastructure of Ukraine Oleksandr Kubrakov.

Already, 2,307 business representatives have joined eRenovation. Of them, 296 (13%) are legal entities, and 2011 (87%) are private enterprises.

To join the program, it is necessary to apply Diia, having previously checked whether the business meets the program's conditions. The company must have the appropriate IAS codes. You can see the complete list and apply for participation on the Diia portal.

More than 69,000 Ukrainians applied for financial assistance to restore damaged homes, and more than 37,000 have already received it.

Ukraine's Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine provides for Sumy and Chernihiv regions' recovery funds

62.3 billion hryvnias were allocated to the fund for the liquidation of the consequences of armed aggression for various recovery programs, of which almost 1.7 billion hryvnias were earmarked for the Sumy region and 673 million hryvnias for the Chernihiv region.

Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal announced this during the Presidium of the Local Congress meeting, which was devoted to the issues of the Sumy and Chernihiv regions.

UAH 62.3 billion was allocated from the Fund for the Liquidation of the Consequences of Armed Aggression for various recovery programs. Of these, almost 1.7 billion is planned for the Sumy region, 673 million for Chernihiv, Shmyhal noted.

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