Video shows SSU's new maritime drones with firing function
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Video shows SSU's new maritime drones with firing function

Source:  Army TV

Security Service of Ukraine's new sea drones called "Sea Baby" can not only carry explosives. They are also able to shoot missiles.

New function of sea drones has been revealed

The SSU's maritime drones not only transport explosives, but also shoot. The service showed a video of the use of such a drone.

The SSU currently uses two drones of its own production. The first is the Sea Baby. It not only carries 850 kg of charge and is equipped with a $300,000 communication system, but also has a flamethrower system. That is, it is capable of shooting at the enemy. The second is Mamai, a kamikaze drone that can deliver 450 kg of explosives to any point in the Black Sea.

What preceded it

In August, the head of the SSU, Vasyl Maliuk, said that maritime drones are a unique development of the special service. They successfully attacked the Crimean Bridge in July 2023, as well as the Russian landing ship Olenegorskiy Gornyak and the SIG tanker.

The Samum and Pavel Derzhavin ships also came under attack from these drones. In addition, they damaged the enemy's large military tugboat Nikolai Muru and the newest reconnaissance and hydrographic ship Vladimir Kozitsky.

Also, the Security Service of Ukraine has recently announced that they have another naval drone in service that will help in operations in the Black Sea. It is called Mamai.

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