When Russia may attack NATO — Business Insider
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When Russia may attack NATO — Business Insider

ARMY of the Russian Federation
Source:  Business Insider

German special services have warned official Berlin that the Russian Federation may launch an invasion of the territory of NATO countries from 2026.

An attack by the Russian Federation on the Alliance is quite possible

The special services of the Federal Republic of Germany came to the conclusion that the aggressor country Russia has already begun active preparations for a large-scale conflict with the West.

This statement is confirmed by the rapid reorganization of the enemy army, the movement of troops and the placement of missiles in the west of the country.

In addition, the Russian Federation began to rapidly increase the production of weapons.

The latter could result in Russia doubling its military power over the next five years compared to today, especially in the field of conventional weapons. It can no longer be ruled out that Russia will attack at least part of NATO territory from 2026, for example, the Baltic states or Finland, the secret report states.

NATO also understands what Russia is up to

As Business Insider found out, NATO headquarters are actually concerned about the growth of Russia's military power, but still hope that a large-scale war between the Russian Federation and the Alliance can be avoided.

For example, the US special services do not currently see the danger of a Russian attack on NATO and believe that the Russian armed forces will need another five to eight years to restore the military power they had before the invasion of Ukraine.

Despite this, risk assessments differ, because many top NATO officials believe that it will be difficult to avoid the invasion of the Russian Federation into the territory of the Alliance.

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