When Ukraine to receive the first F-16: a most optimistic scenario from Verkhovna Rada's MP
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When Ukraine to receive the first F-16: a most optimistic scenario from Verkhovna Rada's MP


The parliament is inclined to believe that the first Western F-16 fighter jets will fly into Ukrainian skies at the end of spring. For now, this is an optimistic scenario that could be very real.

F-16 fighters for Ukraine: when to expect them

Member of Ukrainian parliament Oleksandra Ustinova shared her data with journalists.

The best scenario is late spring [of 2024]. We will have the first trained pilots at the end of this year, but there are not enough of them, and most of the guys are still studying, The first Western F-16 fighter jets may take to the skies of Ukraine at the end of spring of 2024, the leader of the "Voice"group in the Verkhovna Rada said.

According to her, as of today, agreements on the modernization of those F-16s promised to be provided to Ukraine are also ongoing.

MP explains that the Armed Forces need more powerful radars and better missiles.

After all, simply giving us a plane with a 60 km radar, like the MiGs, makes no sense. Therefore, our international partners are actively working on this together with our MOD. And if we get it, it will be one of the "game changers" of next year, Oleksandra Ustinova added.

Why the F-16 will not be able to change the situation on the battlefield in a flash

She also urged Ukrainians not to count on a magical effect and a sharp turn in the war, including the return of Crimea, after receiving Western fighter jets.

You need to understand that this is an essential element that will make it possible to minimize losses among our army personnel.

Airplanes will give us, if not an advantage, then at least equality of forces in the air. The F-16 is capable of performing such a role, the elected official concluded.

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