When will compensation be paid to victims of sexual violence by Russians — Zelenska's answer
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When will compensation be paid to victims of sexual violence by Russians — Zelenska's answer

Olena Zelenska
Source:  The Guardian

The first lady of Ukraine, Olena Zelenska, said that within the next few weeks, the victims of sexual violence by the Russian invaders will receive the first compensations.

Sexual violence during war. Ukraine is fighting for the restoration of justice

The editors of The Guardian draw attention to the fact that about 500 Ukrainian citizens who suffered from such actions of Russian soldiers will be identified and will be paid interim compensation along with financial, medical and psychological assistance.

Reparations for victims of gross human rights violations, including victims of conflict-related sexual violence, are not just about economic support. This is an important step towards restoring justice. And this justice is needed not only in Ukraine. Justice for Ukrainian victims of violence is now a mirror for the whole world, Olena Zelenska emphasized.

According to her, such a case will be the first time when victims of violence during the ongoing war will be compensated.

The Global Fund for Victims of Violence notes that rehabilitation and compensation are elements of reparation, but recognition is very important for victims.

What is important to know about the Global Fund for Victims of Violence

It was established 5 years ago to provide aid and support to victims of conflict-related sexual violence and to give them access to reparations.

The redress scheme is confirmation that what happened to them has been officially recognised. This is also a signal to the general public, - explained the head of the organization Esther Dingemans.

According to journalists, as of today, the exact number of Ukrainians who suffered sexual violence due to the actions of the occupiers is unknown, because most of the victims do not report these crimes.

The Global Fund has voiced assumptions that it may be about thousands of people.

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