Why Biden not to attend Ukrainian Peace Summit, Bloomberg explains
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Why Biden not to attend Ukrainian Peace Summit, Bloomberg explains

Joe Biden
Source:  Bloomberg

American leader Joe Biden plans to skip the Ukrainian Peace Summit in Switzerland due to a campaign fundraiser in California, which he is scheduled to attend with celebrities.

Peace Summit in Switzerland may take place without the participation of the US president

Peace Summit in Switzerland should take place on June 15-16, after the meeting of the "Group of Seven" in Italy.

Individual leaders of the "Group of Seven" intend to join the conference, however, as journalists managed to find out, neither Biden nor Vice President Kamala Harris will be there.

According to Bloomberg, the head of the White House plans to fly from the G7 meeting in southern Italy to Los Angeles for a fundraiser on June 15.

Biden's decision underscores that he is increasingly moving into campaign mode as he seeks to overcome former President Donald Trump's lead in swing states ahead of the election, the article said.

Against this backdrop, the fact that Trump eclipsed Biden's fundraising efforts last month for the first time in the current election cycle cannot be ignored, raising $76 million to Biden's $51 million.

What should be the Ukrainian Peace Summit

According to the latest data, about 70 allies of Ukraine intend to participate in the summit at one level or another.

First of all, we are talking about Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, and Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida.

The journalists also voiced the forecast that the absence of the Chinese leader, quite possibly, will disappoint the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

Official Beijing and several other countries of the so-called Global South insisted on the involvement of Russia in this process.

However, Zelenskyy's team does not want to engage with the Kremlin until they have a broadly agreed set of principles that will define any future peace settlement.

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