Why the Russian army is stubbornly trying to capture Avdiivka — expert's reply
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Why the Russian army is stubbornly trying to capture Avdiivka — expert's reply

Armed Forces of Ukraine Soldier
Source:  Espresso

According to Roman Svitan, a military expert, a retired colonel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and military pilot-instructor, the criminal army of Russia hopes that the capture of Avdiivka will collapse the entire line of defence of the Ukrainian military in the east.

What is known about the importance of Avdiivka in the context of defence of eastern Ukraine

Svitan noted that it is not Avdiivka itself that is important, but the defence line created around it by the Ukrainian military.

Avdiivka itself is a hill. The eastern part of the city and the industrial zone is the dominant height, which is located southeast of Avdiivka, between the Yasynuvata checkpoint and the city itself, so the Russians are constantly pressing on this height. It's not about Avdiivka itself as a city, but about the fortifications. Because if we withdraw from the heights in the east of Avdiivka, we will have to go about 20 km west to the second line of defence between Karlivka and Ocheretyne. That is, we will have to go to the next heights, because we will not be able to hold on in the lowlands, the analyst explains.

He stressed that the 20 km of retreat could cause the collapse of the entire defence line in the east. And also in the south towards Kurakhove, so there is a possibility of losing Maryinka.

We will have to retreat to Karlivka, there is a threat to Vuhledar.

What is known about the criminal plan of the Russian army

The Russians have a military plan: if we leave Avdiivka, they will put a lot of pressure from Maryinka to Kurakhove, from Vuhledar to Kurakhove. That is, they want to create a front. The occupiers are preparing for our front to collapse. That is why we are holding Avdiivka, there is no politics here. It is a purely military necessity. If we fall apart and retreat to the second line of defence, we will have to go back, which means retreating to the heights, losing a lot of people and equipment. At the moment, the best option is to hold Avdiivka, Svitan stressed.

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