Russia shows no interest to war prisoners exchange with Ukraine, Lubinets says
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Russia shows no interest to war prisoners exchange with Ukraine, Lubinets says

Dmytro Lubinets
Source:  Ukrinform

According to Dmytro Lubinets, the Verkhovna Rada Commissioner for Human Rights, if Russia was interested in exchanging prisoners of war, they would take place.

Points of attention

  • Russia blocks the exchange of prisoners with Ukraine due to lack of interest in the exchange of prisoners of war, as noted by Dmytro Lubinets.
  • Ukraine continuously initiates efforts for the exchange of prisoners, while Russia attempts to shift responsibility through propaganda tactics.
  • Lubinets highlights the establishment of international platforms and coalitions to support the return of captured military and civilian hostages, emphasizing Ukraine's active participation and need for international assistance.
  • The strained relations between Ukraine and Russia are deepened by the unresolved issue of prisoner exchanges, underscoring the importance of ongoing efforts to address this conflict.
  • Lubinets dismisses Russia's accusations against Ukraine regarding the disruption of prisoner-of-war exchanges, refuting them as propaganda and emphasizing Ukraine's willingness to engage in exchanges and seek new initiatives.

Lubinets rejected Russia's accusations against Ukraine of disrupting prisoner-of-war exchanges

The ombudsman noted that Russia's attempts to shift responsibility to Ukraine for blocking the exchange of prisoners of war are complete propaganda.

Lubinets emphasized that Ukraine has never refused to hold exchanges and, in addition, constantly comes up with new initiatives regarding their holding.

If the Russians were interested in returning their prisoners of war, we would have done it long ago. It seems that they simply don't need them, - said the Ombudsman.

The official also called the attempts of the invaders to blame Ukraine for the failure of the next exchange of prisoners as absolute propaganda of the Russian Federation.

At the same time, he added that a number of countries help Ukraine in the matter of exchanges of military prisoners.

But we hope that we will get additional levers of influence on the Russian Federation and automatically - new good results - noted Lubinets.

The ombudsman also emphasized that he has repeatedly appealed to Russia regarding the return of the bodies of dead Ukrainian soldiers.

Russia hides information about the Il-76 crash near Belgorod

According to him, there is still no information about the Il-76 plane that crashed near Belgorod and was allegedly carrying Ukrainian prisoners of war.

If they claim that our heroes were killed, please hand over the bodies to us. If the Russians were interested in a transparent investigation of this incident, they would, firstly, immediately allow international experts to the crash site of this plane, secondly, they would long ago allow international experts to conduct examinations, and thirdly, they would hand over the bodies as quickly as possible . They are delaying it, probably, because a lot of questions remain, - emphasized Lubinets.

The ombudsman noted that there are similar moments with the mass murder of Ukrainian prisoners in Olenivka.

In my opinion, this is the same attempt by the Russian Federation to discredit Ukraine, which we already saw in the summer of 2022, when the Russians killed prisoners of war in Olenivka. One on one. As if all this happened with the help of weapons that were transferred to us by international partners: in Olenivka it was Himars, in the plane - Patriot, - noted Lubinets.

The Ombudsman reminded that this year the first constituent meeting of the international platform for the return of civilian hostages was held, where more than 40 countries and international organizations were represented.

Many partners are involved in tracking the return of abducted children.

This item from the Peace Formula is included in the list of issues discussed at the first Peace Summit in Switzerland.

A lot of partners are involved in the 4th item. 37 countries officially joined the international coalition for the return of Ukrainian children. We have a public communicator - Qatar, the Vatican is involved, and there are also many non-public communicators, Lubinets said.

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