Why Ukraine is only now building fortifications on the front line — the explanation of the spokesman of the AFU
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Why Ukraine is only now building fortifications on the front line — the explanation of the spokesman of the AFU

Source:  Espresso

The active process of building defensive structures at the front began only in December 2023.

Ukraine is building fortifications on the front around the clock

Dmytro Lykhoviy, the spokesman of the "Tavria" military defense system, told about the process of building new defense systems on the front line

He said this on Espresso.

This process has been going on since December of last year, and the answer to the question of why it did not take place earlier on the front line, closer to the line of combat conflict, is simple: because last year Ukraine conducted an offensive operation and the same sappers, engineers were involved to overcome the enemy engineering and fortification structures.

Dmytro Lykhoviy

Dmytro Lykhoviy

Spokesman of OSU "Tavria"

According to him, specialists are now involved in the construction of new systems in strongholds, rear trenches, equipping them with firing slits in the ceiling, armored capsules, concrete bunkers and other elements of non-mine and mine protection, which constitute a single complex of structures in case of an enemy attack.

Some complexes have already been built, some already have infantry units on duty, because these systems of defense structures are built in close contact with infantrymen, with representatives of mechanized brigades, who actually give orders - what they would like to see, in what place, of what quality .

It should also be understood that these are the second and third lines of defense, which are being built mechanized, with the use of machinery, because such work is possible at least 5 km from the line of battle.

After all, in those conditions, in which not only artillery and aviation, but also FPV drones are actively used, builders take a lot of risk and are under attack. Those lines that were previously at such a distance, they are now, in accordance with the dynamics of the front line, much closer to the line of battle, but mostly still in reserve, waiting for their time to be useful to our defenders.

In addition to the Zaporizhzhia region, the more rear Dnipropetrovsk region, which already has its own "dragon's teeth", began to build fortifications, and the equipment of trenches and other means of fortifications is already approaching there, - added the spokesman of the Tavria OSU.

An audit of defense structures will be conducted in Ukraine

The President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyi, announced the audit of fortifications, which will help identify and eliminate weak points on the front line

The head of state announced this on Sunday, February 25, at a press conference following the results of the "Ukraine. Year 2024" forum.

When asked about the creation of fortifications on the active front line, the president answered:

As far as I know, in the Kupyan district, specifically in Khortytsia, all this was done at a very high level, and it is taken as an example for other districts.

According to him, it is the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Oleksandr Syrskyi and the Minister of Defense Rustem Umyerov who are responsible for the construction of the fortifications.

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