Estonian Intelligence to evaluate Russia abilities to push away the AFU from Dnipro
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Estonian Intelligence to evaluate Russia abilities to push away the AFU from Dnipro

Source:  ERR

Estonian intelligence considers it unlikely that the Russian army will have enough strength and resources to dislodge the Ukrainian soldiers, who have finally managed to gain a foothold on the left bank of the river, beyond the Dnipro.

What is happening on the left bank of the Dnipro

The head of the intelligence centre of the Estonian Defense Forces, Ants Kiviselg, draws attention to the fact that the soldiers of the Ukrainian Armed Forces were able to hold the recently de-occupied territories of Ukraine on the southern part of the front, especially on the eastern bank of the Dnipro.

According to him, the two critical tasks of our soldiers on this part of the front are to control the areas on the left bank of the Dnipro, as well as to repel the Russian army to the south, thereby saving the civilian population of Kherson from shelling from closed positions.

At this moment, I do not see and do not believe that the Russian army will be able to throw the Ukrainian units over the river. And if this happens, it will definitely be the decision of the Ukrainians themselves, Ants Kiviselg said.

He also confirmed that, except for the area of the front in the Avdiivka area, where the number of attacks by Russian invaders continues to increase, the overall intensity of hostilities has generally decreased due to the weather.

In Estonia, they do not understand the current state of the Russian army

As the former colonel of the Estonian Defense Forces, Hannes Toomsalu, points out, the fact that the weather also affects Russia's ability to use its drones cannot be ignored.

Another question, where are their missiles? They were produced. Iskander-K, which is not even a ballistic missile, flew this week. And the Kh-22 Burya, a terrible old missile that crashed near Zaporizhzhia. It is not clear what state the Russian army is in, he noted ironically.

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