Zelenskyy: Ukraine can win the confrontation over energy during the winter
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Zelenskyy: Ukraine can win the confrontation over energy during the winter

Volodymyr Zelenskyi
Volodymyr Zelenskyy

According to President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, the strengthening of air defense with the help of Western partners allows Ukraine to protect critical energy infrastructure from massive missile attacks by the criminal army of the Russian Federation in winter.

What is known about Ukraine's preparation for the protection of energy facilities

Zelenskyy noted that this winter, Ukraine can successfully foil the plan of the criminal army of the Russian Federation to arrange "blackouts".

Now we are strengthening air defense, in particular with your support, and if we continue to do it, if we endure this winter energetically, Russian terror will suffer one of the biggest losses, the head of state said.

He emphasized that a powerful air defense system and stable energy system operation will allow Ukrainian cities to survive the winter period and the economy to continue working.

According to the President, this year's economic growth in the conditions of the criminal war unleashed by Russia has become one of the most significant results.

Putin is increasing the pressure on the front before the elections

Zelenskyy noted that the Kremlin dictator and war criminal Vladimir Putin, on the eve of the presidential elections in Russia in March next year, ordered the occupation army to significantly increase pressure on the front to appease the Russians who were outraged by the war and the losses and defeats.

However, as the President emphasized, the Ukrainian military heroically repels all the numerous attacks of the criminal army of the Russian Federation.

Putin is going to simulate the election of a new presidential term, and in order to quell the growing dissatisfaction of Russians with the results of the war, he has significantly increased the pressure on the front. However, our soldiers can withstand blows — Putin has not won a single operation this year, Zelenskyy said.

According to Zelenskyy, our military maintains important bridgeheads on several front lines and is preparing for the next steps. Long-range weapons help the armed forces a lot in this.

The President noted that Ukraine has a realistic action strategy, and its efforts, with the support of allies, can ensure success.

In addition, Zelenskyy invited American defense companies to cooperate with Ukraine.

Ukraine does not seek to depend only on partners — Ukraine seeks and can realistically become a donor of security for all our neighbors when it can guarantee its own protection. We really can. Absolutely real. I am sure that together we can create a new and powerful arsenal of freedom, which will be a reliable helper for all free nations of the world, the head of state emphasized.

He noted that Ukraine can do much more with partners than any of us alone.

So let's continue to work together. For the greater power of freedom. Our team is in Washington and will present specific prospects and opportunities, Zelenskyy emphasized.

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