Zelenskyy's rumoured trip to Armenia, Azerbaijan is cancelled
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Zelenskyy's rumoured trip to Armenia, Azerbaijan is cancelled

Source:  online.ua

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy will not visit Armenia and Azerbaijan.

Why did Zelenskyy cancel his visit to Armenia and Azerbaijan

The Radar Armenia notes that the visit of the Ukrainian president will not take place due to its cancellation in Baku.

It is not clear what caused the cancellation.

It was reported that Volodymyr Zelenskyy will visit Yerevan and Baku in March.

What is known about Zelenskyy's visit to Armenia and Azerbaijan

The interlocutor of "Radio Azatutyun" claimed that Zelensky's visit to Armenia will likely occur on Mar. 4.

The head of state previously met with the leaders of both Azerbaijan and Armenia at international venues. For example, in early Oct.2023, Pashinyan and Zelenskyy met for the first time on the sidelines of the European Political Community summit in Granada.

Armenian PM Nikol Pashinyan repeatedly repeated that Armenia is not an ally of the Russian Federation in its war against Ukraine. He recently announced that Yerevan is "freezing" its membership in the CSTO, a military alliance de facto led by Moscow.

Also, Armenia transferred another batch of humanitarian aid to Ukraine. Yerevan handed over about 10 tons of medicines and medical supplies.

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