The prosecutor informed about the suspicion of the incumbent MP, who was exposed for giving a bribe to the Minister of Development of Communities, Territories and Infrastructure of Ukraine and the Head of the State Agency for Reconstruction of Ukraine.
Bribery to the minister for the restoration of the enterprise
NABU [National Anticorruption Bureau of Ukraine — Ed.] and SACPO[Special Anticorruption Prosecutor’s Office — Ed.] reported the suspicion to another MP. He was exposed for bribing one of the ministers.
The press service of SACPO informs about it.
The mass media wrote that Serhiy Labazyuk from the parliament group "For the Future" was probably detained for a bribe.
SACPO and NABU reported the suspicion to the deputy.
On the instructions of the SACPO chief, the prosecutor informed about the suspicion of the incumbent MP, who was exposed for providing an illegal benefit to the Deputy Prime Minister for the Reconstruction of Ukraine — the Minister of Community Development, Territories and Infrastructure of Ukraine and the Head of the State Agency for Reconstruction and Development of the Infrastructure of Ukraine.
Also, under the procedural guidance of SACPO prosecutors, NABU detectives reported the suspicion to the MP accomplice, who is the head of the business entity.
The actions of persons are qualified according to the crime characteristics provided for in Chapter 4 of Article 369 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.
The investigation of this criminal offence was made possible thanks to the personal assistance of the Prosecutor General.
It was established that the Ukrainian MP was acting in a previous conspiracy with the director of the joint-stock company. They offered top officials an illegal benefit for the allocation of UAH 1 billion in additional financing of works performed by the specified company under his control.
The proposed amount of undue benefit was supposed to be from 3% to 5% of the amount of financing.
In the future, the suspects provided a part of this illegal benefit for $150,000 to persons in a mainly responsible position.
The pre-trial investigation is ongoing. Other persons who may be involved in the commission of this crime are being identified.
It is reported that the Deputy Prime Minister for Reconstruction of Ukraine — the Minister of Development of Communities, Territories and Infrastructure of Ukraine and the head of the State Agency for Reconstruction and Development of Infrastructure of Ukraine cooperated with NABU and SACPO and contributed to the investigation of illegal actions.
MP wanted to give a bribe to the headman
On November 21, NABU and SACPO detained the MP who intended to bribe the State Agency for Reconstruction and Development of Infrastructure of Ukraine chief.
An important day for Ukraine. NABU and SACPO exposed a number of crimes related to the restoration of Ukraine.
People's deputy was exposed for trying to bribe a top official with bitcoins.
The mass media have a version that is about an MP from the "Servant of the People" parliament fraction, Andrii Odarchenko, who tried to bribe the head of the State Agency for Reconstruction and Development of Infrastructure, Mustafa Nayem.
The MP, a member of the anti-corruption policy committee, offered the head of the State Agency for Reconstruction and Development of Infrastructure an illegal benefit in Bitcoin cryptocurrency, equivalent to $50,000.
In exchange for money, MP asked for assistance in obtaining funds from the fund for liquidation of the consequences of armed aggression of the Russian Federation for the repair of an infrastructure object under his control (university).
After the allocation of funds from the fund to the crypto-wallet of the whistleblower-top official, the first tranche of illegal profits was given in the equivalent of $10,000.
This is the first in the history of anti-corruption authorities to document an illegal gain in cryptocurrency.