3rd AFU Assault Brigade was urgently redeployed to Avdiivka
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3rd AFU Assault Brigade was urgently redeployed to Avdiivka

3rd AFU Assault Brigade
Source:  online.ua

On the morning of February 15, the AFU Third Assault Brigade (3rd AB) officially confirmed that it was urgently redeployed to reinforce Ukrainian troops in the Avdiivka area.

3rd AB is already in Avdiivka. What is known at this time

According to the representatives of the brigade, the situation in the city at the time of the establishment of their fighters is highly critical. The soldiers even called it "Avdiivka's hell".

Despite this, separate battalions of the 3rd AB have already managed to stage a raid in the Russian-captured areas of Avdiivka.

It is essential to understand that the Russian army's forces in their segment comprise approximately seven brigades.

Our fighters demonstrate unprecedented heroism. We are forced to fight at 360 degrees against the new brigades the enemy is setting up.

Andriy Biletskyi

Andriy Biletskyi

3rd AB Commander

In addition, it is emphasised that two brigades of the armed forces of Russia were critically damaged during their stay in the Avdiiv direction.

The 3rd AB promises to announce the exact losses of the enemy in terms of personnel and equipment later when it receives confirmation of the necessary data.

At the same time, the objective situation in Avdiivka remains threatening and unstable. The enemy continues the active rotation of his troops, and throws new forces and means into the city.

What else is known about the situation around Avdiivka

The reserve colonel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, military expert Petro Chernyk, recently reported that the situation in Avdiivka is complicated.

Russian dictator Vladimir Putin ordered his army to take the city at any cost, as was the case with Bakhmut.

What is also important, the losses of the Russian army on this part of the front are simply catastrophic, but the Kremlin does not care.

A few weeks ago, the ratio of personnel losses (in the Avdiivka region, — ed.) was 1 to 15. This is something unthinkable. Even during the Second World War, there was nothing like this.

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