A veteran of the Normandy landings wanted to return the medal he received from Putin to Putin
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A veteran of the Normandy landings wanted to return the medal he received from Putin to Putin

Alec Penstone
Source:  The Telegraph

After the invasion of Ukraine by the criminal army of the Russian Federation, Alec Penstone, a veteran of the Second World War, a participant in the Allied landing operation in Normandy, wanted to return the medal he received from him to Kremlin dictator Vladimir Putin.

Points of attention

  • World War II veteran, Alec Penstone, wants to return the medal he received from Putin in protest against the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
  • The US President guarantees support for Ukraine and pledges to preserve the country's independence from Russian aggression.
  • Pentstone expresses his disgust towards Putin's actions and dreams of the day when the Kremlin dictator is no longer in power.
  • The West, led by the US, remains committed to supporting Ukraine and providing military aid to deter further aggression from Putin's regime.
  • Negotiating with Putin to end the war in Ukraine is deemed unlikely by the US, as Biden emphasizes the threat posed by the Kremlin's regime to Europe.

A World War II veteran dreams of the death of Kremlin dictator Vladimir Putin

Penstone received a medal "For bravery" from the Kremlin dictator.

However, after the invasion of Ukraine by the criminal army of the Russian Federation, the World War II veteran wanted to return the medal he received to Putin.

His friends prevented him.

I would gladly return it, but they prevented me from doing so. Award for courage signed by Putin. I am disgusted and disappointed, - admits the veteran.

According to him, he is looking forward to the day when he will hear about the death of the Kremlin dictator.

I want him to be taken from this earth, and the sooner the better, - emphasized Penstone.

In his opinion, by attacking Ukraine, Putin went against the way of life that Penstone and his comrades fought for in the Second World War.

We fought for our country, our way of life, we didn't want Hitler to be above everything. We lost Europe, we were determined to get it back. I lost too many friends to see it again, - explains the veteran.

The West does not believe in the ability to negotiate with Putin to end the war in Ukraine

US President Joe Biden, during a meeting with French leader Emmanuel Macron, noted that the Kremlin's criminal regime under the leadership of dictator Vladimir Putin threatens not only Ukraine, but all European countries.

Biden noted that the United States will continue to support Ukraine.

Putin will not stop in Ukraine. The threat will loom over all of Europe, and we will not allow it to happen. The USA stands side by side with Ukraine. I want to say again - we will not go anywhere, - emphasized the head of the White House.

Biden noted that the new military aid package worth $225 million will be the sixth since the US Congress approved additional aid to Ukraine.

It's a pity that we couldn't do it when we wanted to, six months earlier, but we did it, - said Biden.

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