AFU eliminated hundreds of Russian soldiers and repelled 35 enemy attacks — General Staff summary
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AFU eliminated hundreds of Russian soldiers and repelled 35 enemy attacks — General Staff summary

General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

During January 7, 35 combat clashes between Ukrainian soldiers and Russian invaders were recorded at the front.

AFU General Staff described the situation at the front on January 7-8

In total, the Russian army carried out 11 missiles and 69 air strikes, and made 53 attacks from MLRS on the positions of Ukrainian soldiers and peaceful cities.

In the Kupiansk direction, the soldiers of the Ukrainian Armed Forces successfully repelled two attacks by Russian invaders in the areas of Sinkivka and Ivanivka settlements of the Kharkiv region.

In the Lyman direction, Ukrainian defenders repelled four enemy attacks east of Terny of the Donetsk region.

In the Bakhmut direction, Ukrainian soldiers repelled three enemy attacks near Klishchiivka and Andriivka of the Donetsk region.

In the zone of OSTG "Tavria" responsibility in the Avdiivka direction, Ukrainian defenders continue to restrain the enemy, who does not stop trying to surround Avdiivka. Our soldiers firmly hold the defense, inflicting significant losses on the invaders. So, during the past day, the Defense Forces repelled six enemy attacks near Novobakhmutivka, Avdiivka and another 15 attacks near Pervomaiske and Nevelske of the Donetsk region.

In the Mariinka direction, it was possible to repulse three attacks by Russian soldiers.

The occupiers did not conduct offensive (assault) actions in Shakhtarsk's direction.

In the Zaporizhia direction, our soldiers could repulse the enemy's attack west of Vervove in the Zaporizhzhia region.

In the zone of OSTG "Odesa" responsibility in the Kherson direction, Ukrainian soldiers will continue measures to expand the bridgehead. Despite significant losses, the enemy does not stop trying to knock our units out of their positions. During the past day, the enemy carried out three unsuccessful assaults on the positions of the Defense Forces.

In addition, it is reported that Ukrainian aviation has struck four areas of concentration of personnel of the Russian army.

Missile force units hit one control post, two ammunition depots and two enemy artillery units.

Losses of the Russian army as of January 8

The total combat losses of the enemy from 24.02.22 to 08.01.24 approximately amounted to:

  • personnel — about 365,170 (+440) people,

  • tanks — 6,031 (+9) units,

  • armoured personnel vehicles — 11,194 (+14) units,

  • artillery systems — 8,666 (+13) units,

  • MLRS − 953 (+2) units,

  • air defence equipment — 638 (+1) units,

  • aircraft — 329 (+0) units,

  • helicopters — 324 (+0) units,

  • UAV operational-tactical level — 6,822 (+11) units,

  • cruise missiles — 1787 (+1) units,

  • ships/boats — 23 (+0) units,

  • submarines — 1 (+0) units,

  • vehicles and fuel trucks —11,542 (+19) units,

  • special equipment — 1,328 (+1) units.

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