AFU missile attack on occupied Luhansk eliminates Russian army brigade commander
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AFU missile attack on occupied Luhansk eliminates Russian army brigade commander

AFU missile attack on occupied Luhansk

Russian mass media reported on the death of the commander of the 59th brigade of the occupation army of the Russian Federation, Pavel Kropotov, as a result of a recent missile attack by the Armed Forces of Ukraine on Luhansk.

What is known about the death of Kropotov as a result of AFU missile attack on Luhansk

Kremlin propaganda media reported that the commander of military unit 28331, Pavel Kropotov, was buried in Yekaterinburg.

It is noted that Kropotov died in Luhansk as a result of a recent missile attack by the Ukrainian military.

The Russian mass media add that Kropotov allegedly came under missile fire several times and was even wounded.

The same information was confirmed by Ukrainian military officer Anatolii Shtefan, who reported that Kropotov was killed in an attack on the headquarters in Luhansk on April 13.

What is known about the aftermath of the AFU missile attack on occupied Luhansk?

The Planet Labs satellite recorded the consequences of the airstrike on Luhansk Machine-Building Plant-100.

The pictures were taken on April 14. They show damage to at least one plant building.

With the help of videos made public after the attack in Luhansk, the "Donbass Realities" project established that it was the above-mentioned enterprise that was affected. The attack on the plant was later confirmed by a source of journalists in Luhansk.

It is noted that the enemy was repairing equipment on it, and the personnel of the Russian army were also located there.

Explosions rocked Luhansk on the afternoon of April 13, and a column of smoke rose over the city. Eyewitnesses claimed at least two powerful explosions.

The occupation authorities reported damage to the "100 Machine-building plant" enterprise.

According to the source of Donbas. Realii, "there was a repair of military equipment and the location of Russian army personnel."

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