AFU speaker says Ukraine's military provided spare logistical routes to Avdiivka
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AFU speaker says Ukraine's military provided spare logistical routes to Avdiivka


The situation in Avdiivka is dynamic, street battles continue in the city. In case of loss of the main supply route, backup logistics routes to the city are provided.

What is the situation in Avdiivka?

The spokesman of the AFU operational-strategic task group "Tavria", Dmytro Lykhovii, reported on the situation in Avdiivka on the telethon air.

As of now, the situation on the battle line is dynamic and can change every hour... Our command has provided backup supply routes if the enemy cuts the main logistical artery.

Dmytro Lykhovii

Dmytro Lykhovii

OSTG Tavria Spokesman

He added that street battles have been going on in Avdiivka for several days, and the situation dictates a certain change in the tactics of combat operations, while the situation is "tense, but controlled."

In general, the enemy concentrated about 50,000 personnel in the Avdiiv direction, Lykhovii said.

He emphasised that the most important thing for the command is to save the lives of the soldiers and, in case of a complicated situation, to take them to another line: "to act flexibly, to act maneuverably in order to save these very soldiers for the next combat operations, to liberate the lost territory."


Lykhovii also explained the importance of keeping Avdiivka. According to him, in recent days the occupiers have been shelling settlements in the Pokrovsk district of the Donetsk region west of Avdiivka with artillery and rockets, and this "shows what each of these settlements can turn into after the front line moves a little west."

That is why it is imperative to hold Avdiivka, that is why it is imperative to hold every Ukrainian city.

The situation in the OSTG "Tavria" operational zone

On February 14, the commander of the OSTG "Tavria", Brig Gen Oleksandr Tarnavskyi, reported that the Russians had carried out the most airstrikes in his zone since the beginning of the year.

Our forces continue to conduct a defensive operation, inflicting significant losses on the enemy.

The losses of the Russians of the past day amounted to 610 personnel and 50 units of military equipment, such as five tanks, 19 armoured personnel vehicles, ten artillery systems, one anti-aircraft missile system, one anti-aircraft vehicle, and 14 cars.

263 UAVs of various types were neutralised or destroyed.

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