Air defence destroyed 16 Shaheds during the last Russia's night attack
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Air defence destroyed 16 Shaheds during the last Russia's night attack

Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine
Russian drone

On the night of February 13, the Russian army again attacked peaceful cities and villages of Ukraine with dozens of "Shaheds". Air defence forces managed to destroy a significant part of enemy targets.

Russia's night attack on Ukraine on February 13. Air defence downed 16 Russian drones

On the night of February 13, 2024, the enemy attacked with 23 Shahed-136/131-type strike UAVs from the regions of Primorsko-Akhtarsk — Russian Federation, Cape Chauda of the occupied Crimea, — says the AFU Air Force statement.

In addition, it is noted that anti-aircraft missile units, mobile fire groups of the Air Force and the Defence Forces of Ukraine were involved in repelling the enemy's air attack.

As a result of combat operations, 16 enemy combat UAVs were destroyed in the Dnipropetrovsk, Zaporizhzhia, and Kherson regions. Let's keep the sky! Together to victory!

It is also worth noting that as of 08:00, the activity of enemy tactical aircraft in the eastern direction is observed.

As the AFU reports, the use of air weapons is still a threat.

What is known about the situation in the Dnipro after Russia's night attack

In the Dnipro, Russian invaders hit infrastructure facilities.

One of the TPPs stopped producing electricity, DTEK reported at night.

In addition, water supply interruptions later became known.

It is also reported that in Nikopol, as a result of the enemy's attack, three private houses were damaged, an outbuilding was destroyed, another one was damaged, and several dozen solar panels were also damaged.

Thanks to those who eliminate the consequences of Russian terror 24/7. Among them are the heroes of the energy industry. They have already returned the light to the residents of the Pavlograd district after yesterday's attacks. Now they work in the regional centre. There, too, almost all the houses have recovered.

Sergey Lysak

Sergey Lysak

Head of the Dnipropetrovsk Regional Military Administration (RMA)

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