Ambulance with Russian military personnel crashed in Russian Belgorod — video
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Ambulance with Russian military personnel crashed in Russian Belgorod — video

An ambulance

An accident involving an ambulance occurred in Belgorod, Russia. It is noted that it transported wounded soldiers of the Russian Federation.

What is known about the accident in Belgorod, RF

As noted, in the center of Belgorod, a passenger car crashed into an ambulance, which, according to local channels, was transporting 5 wounded Russian soldiers from Grayvoron.

As a result of the attack, at least 8 people were injured.

What is known about the losses of the Russian army per day

According to the General Staff, the Defence Forces killed 1,320 Russian occupants over the course of the day, and the following equipment was destroyed:

  • tanks — 7,449 (+15) units;

  • armored fighting vehicles — 14,353 (+40) units;

  • artillery systems — 12,442 (+55) units;

  • MRLS — 1064 (+2) units;

  • air defence equipment — 796 (+1) units;

  • aircraft — 349 units;

  • helicopters — 325 units;

  • UAVs of the operational-tactical level — 9,868 (+42) units;

  • cruise missiles — 2193 (+1) units;

  • ships/boats — 26 units;

  • submarines - 1 unit;

  • automotive equipment and tank trucks — 16,755 (+64) units;

  • special equipment — 2040 (+9) units.

Also, over the past day, defence aviation and missile troops struck 1 command post, 1 fuel and lubricant depot, 1 anti-aircraft missile system, 1 radar station and 18 areas of enemy concentration.

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