Armenian parliament's speaker accuses Russia of losing Nagorno-Karabakh: details
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Armenian parliament's speaker accuses Russia of losing Nagorno-Karabakh: details

Armen Hryhoryan

Armenia once again issued a public challenge to the aggressor country of the Russian Federation. Secretary of the Security Council of the country Armen Hryhoryan made a new statement.

Points of attention

  • Tension between Armenia and Russia continues to grow.
  • Statements and confrontations between representatives of countries are an open question of power and influence on the political landscape in the region.
  • The situation with Nagorno-Karabakh still remains a central topic for conflicts between Moscow and Yerevan.

Armenia claims to have lost Nagorno-Karabakh to Russia

Armen Grigoryan publicly accused the Russian Federation of "giving" Nagorno-Karabakh to Azerbaijan.

According to his conviction, without the "permission" of Russia, the war and the return of Karabakh to the control of Azerbaijan would not have happened.

Russia came, took Nagorno-Karabakh from the Armenians, returned it to Azerbaijan and left, that's the reality, said the secretary of the country's Security Council.

Armen Grigoryan does not hide the fact that Armenia was utterly dependent on Russia at that time.

Russia has already responded to Armenia's new accusations

The official representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation and scandalous Russian diplomat Maria Zakharova made the statement almost immediately.

She began to cynically claim that the Secretary of the Security Council of Armenia, Armen Hryhoryan, "humiliated his people."

As representatives of the authorities, such figures humiliate their own people. Citizens of Armenia defended their territory, gave their lives, considered it historically important. The ideology of Armenia as a state was built on these theses for many years. After all, they knew what they were fighting for, what they were sacrificing their well-being for, dooming their wives and children to widowhood and orphanhood. And how is it possible to betray their memory in such a cynical way, to nullify what was previously and, I think, is now called a feat in Armenia, Zakharova complains.

She also began to talk about "temporary workers who, "obviously, are feeding from the outside and insulting their people."

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