ATESH discovered engineering depot of Russian Black Sea Fleet in Crimea
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ATESH discovered engineering depot of Russian Black Sea Fleet in Crimea

Source:  ATESH

The Crimean Tatar resistance movement ATESH has discovered the location of the Russian occupiers' engineering depot in Bakhchisarai.

Occupiers set up an engineering warehouse near Bakhchisarai

Agents of ATESH provide new data on the work of the engineering staff of the Black Sea Fleet of Russia in the Bakhchisarai district.

Above the Old Town, on the Suvlu-Kaya plateau, is the key engineering depot of the Black Sea Fleet. The military unit 63876 is the 758th Logistics Centre (758th center of material and technical support), located at Lisova Street, 3, and an additional unit at Lisova Street, 1. Although the addresses are different, they are actually one large warehouse complex.

ATESH recorded the active use of electronic warfare to suppress communications in the area, indicating the importance of this facility to enemy operations.

ATESH continues to carefully monitor enemy activity to ensure effective resistance.

Russia transferred additional units of the FSB to Dzhankoi

The guerrillas monitor the movement of the occupiers in the Russian-occupied Dzhankoi.

An agent of ATESH reported that new military units, including FSB officers, have arrived in Dzhankoi, which are involved in the protection of military facilities.

This strengthening of security measures is connected with the transfer of military personnel from security tasks to the front line, especially in the Kherson direction, where the enemy is suffering significant losses.

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