Banks of Kyrgyzstan announce a boycott of Russia. Why is this important?
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Banks of Kyrgyzstan announce a boycott of Russia. Why is this important?

Source:  SPRAVDI

At once, four banks in Kyrgyzstan officially announced that they were severing cooperation with the aggressor country of the Russian Federation. This will create additional problems for Russia.

Points of attention

  • Banks of Kyrgyzstan have decided to support sanctions against the Russian Federation.
  • Russia is trying to create an "anti-sanctions coalition", but so far to no avail.
  • The USA promises investment and technology to the countries of Central Asia and the South Caucasus so that they finally break off cooperation with Russia.

Banks of Kyrgyzstan have joined the sanctions against the Russian Federation

Four Kyrgyz banks announced their decision within a day: they confirmed that they are joining the anti-Russian sanctions and suspending transactions.

What is important to understand is that we are talking about:

  1. "Demir",

  2. "KICB",

  3. "MBank",

  4. "Keremet".

By the way, the latter is generally the largest bank in the country.

Against this background, one cannot ignore the fact that Kyrgyzstan is one of Russia's closest partners.

In fact, this seemingly local news hides a new big problem for Russia. If she somehow organized "import substitution" at the expense of "grey schemes", "one-day firms", "front companies", then it is impossible to create a clone bank in a foreign country. That is why the West is hitting the banks. Even now in Russia they expect that "the Kyrgyz will run." After all, the logic of their migrant stay there is simple: to earn money and transfer it home. If this is not possible, then what is the point of work? — explains the SPRAVDI team.

Russia is unable to solve this problem

Currently, the aggressor country of the Russian Federation is doing everything possible to create an "anti-sanctions coalition", but even Moscow's long-time allies do not like this idea too much.

This fact has already been publicly acknowledged by the director of the Department of Economic Cooperation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Birichevsky.

He publicly complains about the fact that official Washington exerts significant pressure on Russia's main partners — China and India.

For them, it is a collapse, bankruptcy, loss of profit. Russia is, of course, a wide market, but in the USA there are more opportunities for them to trade and place their securities on financial platforms. Of course, large corporations are very afraid of this, — laments Birichevsky.

According to him, the United States also promises investments and technologies to the countries of Central Asia and the South Caucasus in exchange for them breaking off cooperation with the aggressor country.

And this makes life difficult for us, not allowing us to get what we want, — complained the Russian official.

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