Budanov called Telegram a threat to Ukraine's national security
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Budanov called Telegram a threat to Ukraine's national security

Source:  Radio "Charter"

Telegram poses a threat to the national security of Ukraine. It is technically difficult to close it in Ukraine, but it is possible. This is the opinion held by the head of the GUR, Kyrylo Budanov.

Points of attention

  • Head of the GUR, Kyrylo Budanov, states that Telegram poses a threat to Ukraine's national security and calls for measures to address it.
  • While technically challenging to close, Budanov believes it is possible to take action against Telegram to safeguard the country's security.
  • A comprehensive strategy combining legal regulations and technical capabilities is necessary to effectively tackle the threat posed by Telegram.
  • Lawyer Kateryna Tkachuk highlights the complexities involved in blocking Telegram, including technical challenges and the potential for circumvention using VPN services.
  • With studies showing Telegram as a major information source for Ukrainian society, the debate continues on the best approach to handling the platform while ensuring national security.

Telegram poses a threat to the national security of Ukraine — Budanov

To the question of whether Telegram can be considered harmful, Budanov answered in the affirmative.

I've never been afraid to say it. To put it bluntly, Telegram is a threat to our national security. I say it absolutely directly, and we even documented it.

Kyrylo Budanov

Kyrylo Budanov

Head of DIU

According to him, studies confirm that Telegram has become the main source of information for Ukrainian society. At the same time, the head of DIU noted that he does not support the closure of Telegram in Ukraine.

I am not in favor of taking it and closing it. This, by the way, is quite difficult to do, but it is possible. I am in favor of "physicalizing" all these Telegram channels. If you want to cover the news, please register.

The head of military intelligence also emphasized that it is technically more difficult to block Telegram, like the Russian social networks "Odnoklassniki" and "Vkontakte", but it is possible. Budanov also noted that Twitter (X) is not harmful for Ukrainians.

What will happen to Telegram in Ukraine?

According to lawyer Kateryna Tkachuk, as of today, the problem lies not only in the imperfection of legal regulation, which was the reason for sending draft law No. 11115 for revision.

We cannot also ignore problems in the technical possibility of implementing such a ban.

Many draw parallels with "VKontakte" and "Odnoklassniki". However, back then it was about blocking websites that have their own domain name and IP address. Blocking them is no problem. However, the situation with applications is different, Kateryna Tkachuk emphasized.

As the lawyer points out, even if Ukraine manages to agree on the removal of the Telegram application from the App Store and Google Play, Ukrainians will still be able to access them using VPN services.

The expert also reminded that even the process of blocking "VKontakte" and "Odnoklassniki" was not simple.

At that time, many providers simply did not understand how to act. And given that the situation with Telegram is much more complicated, it is quite possible that this process will end in Ukraine in the same way as in Russia. That is, nothing, she warned.

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