DIU chief says a final victory for Ukraine is not only 1991 borders but also Russia's disintegration
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DIU chief says a final victory for Ukraine is not only 1991 borders but also Russia's disintegration

Kyrylo Budanov
Source:  NV

The Defence Intelligence of Ukraine (DIU) chief, Let. Gen. Kyrylo Budanov emphasises that the AFU reaching the 1991 borders doesn't guarantee a final victory for Ukrainians, and it means doing everything for Russia's disintegration.

Until Russia exists, it won't end the war against Ukraine

The DIU chief notes that the maximum program for Ukraine is not only exit to the borders of 1991, but also the collapse of the Russian Federation, which can only happen from within.

But we must contribute to this process as much as possible with our opinion, weapons, diplomacy, and intelligence. Under other circumstances, the morning of February 24, 2022, for Ukraine will be repeated regularly.

Kyrylo Budanov

Kyrylo Budanov

DIU chief

According to the DIU chief, a new system of international security must be built so that dictators do not threaten democracy in the future.

And if the first point — the preparation and signing of a new security agreement — will obviously receive the support of the vast majority of countries in the world, with the exception of totalitarian or autocratic regimes, then the second point — ensuring its implementation — is much more difficult to implement in practice, — explained Kyrylo Budanov.

Russia must answer for each of its crimes

The DIU chief also again emphasised that the aggressor country must bear responsibility for its crimes.

According to Kyrylo Budanov, it is vital to force Russia to compensate for damages, to give up nuclear weapons, and to establish international control over the nuclear power industry of the Russian Federation.

Implementation will also require the permanent creation of international security forces. And here, I believe a special place should be defined for the Ukrainian military, who gained invaluable military experience in resisting aggression.

Kyrylo Budanov

Kyrylo Budanov

DIU chief

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