Elections in Moldova. Transnistria unexpectedly challenged Putin
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Elections in Moldova. Transnistria unexpectedly challenged Putin

How are the presidential elections in PMR
Source:  European truth

On October 20, Moldova will hold not only presidential elections, but also a referendum on joining the European Union. Against this background, unexpectedly for everyone, the pro-Putin authorities of Transnistria refused to transport pro-Russian voters to the precincts.

Points of attention

  • Voter turnout at polling stations in Transnistria is significantly lower than during previous elections.
  • In PMR, people are not afraid to admit that they support the movement of Moldova in the EU.
  • Ukrainian journalists are closely watching the voting process.

How are the presidential elections in PMR

According to Ukrainian journalists who are closely watching the voting process, near the precincts opened at the school in the city of Varnytsia, which are usually the busiest, and where a long line gathered in the previous elections, are now free.

What is important to understand is that 4 years ago, when the authorities of Transnistria financed transportation, voters had to wait a long time just to go to the polling station.

Local residents also claim an abnormally low turnout.

Previously, we campaigned and organized people to vote. Now those who consider it a civic duty are leaving, one of the voters, a resident of the city of Bendery, told reporters.

He also frankly admitted that he supports the movement of Moldova in the EU.

You can find out more important information about the situation in the country by watching the online.ua interview with the former head of Moldova's intelligence Yurii Brichag:

PMR does not hide its pro-European sentiments

The most interesting thing is that the lack of support for pro-Russian voters also led to the fact that the majority of voters from Transnistria told Ukrainian journalists that they willingly support the idea of Moldova joining the European Union.

What is important to understand is that such an unexpected turn can dramatically affect the results of the election at polling stations in the PMR.

However, the number of people who voted will be fundamentally lower.

In 2016, at this very precinct for Transnistrians, we ran out of ballots at 4 o'clock in the afternoon, and we had to go to the neighboring village of Guru Bykului to hand over ballots from them, — says Tetyana Druch, head of the election committee at precinct 37/8.

According to her, the number of applicants will be several times smaller.

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