France calls on allies to join the first mission in Ukraine
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France calls on allies to join the first mission in Ukraine

Source:  Welt am Sonntag

The training mission on the territory of Ukraine as part of the multinational coalition initiated by the French leader Emmanuel Macron is gaining momentum. Currently, Paris is trying to enlist the support of its partners.

Points of attention

  • Some countries, in particular Germany, Italy and Hungary, are opposed to conducting exercises in Ukraine due to fear of Russia's reaction.
  • There are important arguments for training the Ukrainian military on their own territory, which will allow training to be better adapted to the needs of the soldiers.
  • The USA, although it is the main ally of Ukraine, also does not support the idea of French leader Emmanuel Macron regarding training in Ukraine.
  • Disputes and discussions between allies regarding the training mission as part of the multinational coalition testify to the difficult relations in Europe in the context of the worsening situation in Ukraine.

France and allies will train the military in Ukraine

As Welt am Sonntag learned, a week ago the head of the French General Staff, Thierry Burkar, sent letters to about a dozen Western countries, inviting the governments of these countries to participate in a training mission on the territory of Ukraine as part of a multinational coalition.

According to the latest data, we are talking about the United States, Britain, Poland, the Netherlands, all the Baltic countries, Denmark and Sweden.

Currently, the French leader Emmanuel Macron and his team are doing everything possible to organize training on the territory of Ukraine under the auspices of the existing EU training mission - EUMAM. However, to realize this goal, it is crucial to change the mandate of the mission.

This is really difficult to do, since not all of Kyiv's allies like the French president's new idea.

Who opposes Macron's idea about Ukraine

For example, the vast majority of EU members are against conducting exercises in Ukraine.

First of all, we are talking about Berlin and Rome, which are still afraid of the reaction of the dictator Putin.

The decision is also blocked by the pro-Russian government of Hungary, which continues to assure that Ukraine will never be able to defeat the Russian Federation on the battlefield.

Despite this, from a military point of view, there are good reasons for training Ukrainian soldiers in one's own country. Then the training would be better adapted to Ukrainian soldiers, and servicemen would not have to leave the country to complete the training course, the publication writes.

It is also important to understand that the United States, which is Ukraine's main ally, also does not support Macron's idea.

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