General Staff Latest: AFU repelled 65 Russia's army attacks and air struck the occupiers concentration
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General Staff Latest: AFU repelled 65 Russia's army attacks and air struck the occupiers concentration

General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

During the day, the Ukrainian military repelled 65 attacks by the criminal army of the Russian Federation in the east and south of Ukraine.

What is known about the consequences of Russia's army attacks on Ukraine

In the summary, it is noted that the enemy fired two missiles over Ukraine and carried out 18 airstrikes. The enemy also carried out 49 attacks from MRLS.

As a result of enemy attacks, there are civilian casualties and destruction of civilian infrastructure.

During the day, units of the missile forces struck one area of enemy personnel concentration.

What is known about the situation in some regions of the front

  • On Volyn and Polisia's directions, the operational situation has not changed significantly.

  • In the Siversk and Slobozhansk directions, the enemy maintains a military presence in the border areas, conducts sabotage and intelligence activities, attacks populated areas from the territory of the Russian Federation and increases the density of mine and explosive barriers along the state border of Ukraine.

  • In the Kupiansk direction, our defenders repulsed five attacks near Synkivka in the Kharkiv region and Stelmakhivka in the Luhansk region, where the enemy tried to break through the defences of our troops.

  • In the Lyman direction, Ukrainian soldiers repelled two attacks by the occupiers near Torske of the Donetsk region and two more attacks near Makiivka of the Luhansk region.

  • In the Bakhmut direction, the defence forces repelled seven attacks near Bohdanivka, Ivanivka, and Andriivka of the Donetsk region, where the enemy unsuccessfully tried to improve the tactical position.

  • In the Avdiivka direction, our defenders repelled five attacks near Novobakhmutivka, Avdiivka and another four attacks in the Pervomaiske and Nevelske districts of the Donetsk region, where the enemy unsuccessfully tried to break through the defences of our troops.

  • In the Mariinka direction, the Defense Forces continue to hold back the enemy near Georgiivka, Pobieda and Novomykhailivka of the Donetsk region. Here, the enemy unsuccessfully tried to improve the tactical position 20 times.

  • In the Shakhtarsk direction, our defenders repelled six attacks by the occupiers southeast of Vodyane, Zolota Nyva and west of Staromayorske of the Donetsk region.

  • In the Zaporizhia direction, our defenders repulsed three enemy attacks southeast of the Robotine of the Zaporizhia region.

  • In the Kherson direction, the enemy carried out an airstrike in the area of the settlement of Stavky of the Mykolaiv region. The enemy does not give up his intention to knock out our units from the bridgeheads on the left bank of the Dnipro River. Thus, during the day, the enemy carried out six unsuccessful assaults on the positions of Ukrainian troops.

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